Video Mystery Shop: Help Me Help You!

Business people in officeDo you all remember that scene from the movie Jerry Maguire where Jerry is trying to negotiate with Cuba Gooding and finally, exasperated, Jerry screams ‘Help Me Help You!”. Great movie and a great scene! So, what does it have to do with new home sales?

Absolutely everything! Your job as a new home sales associate is to help your clients find their dream home, in the perfect community, on the ideal home site, with the right builder. So, how can your prospects’ Help Me Help You? Simple, they have to TELL you what they want!
Getting them to tell you what they want can only be accomplished in one fashion…by asking questions! Believe it or not, I have watched hundreds of video shops where the sales associates barely ask any questions! They may ask price point or number of bedrooms needed, but they don’t dig any deeper than that.

People love to talk about themselves! If you don’t believe that…just take a look at facebook. We’ve become a society that loves to share our news with everyone! Use this to your advantage. Ask your prospects about themselves! Find out who they are and what their hot buttons are. This will help you to customize your presentation in a way that speaks specifically to their wants, needs and desires! This is called the Discovery process.

Also, when you are asking your prospect’s questions, make sure they are open-ended questions that can’t be answered with either a YES or a NO. Below are some excellent questions you can incorporate into your sales presentation that will help you get a better understanding of your prospects and what they are looking for.

-Tell me about your current situation
– What’s important to you in a new home? Community? Home site? Builder?
– How familiar are you with the area?
– What do you dislike about your current home?
– What line of work are you in? How did you get started?
– What do you like to do in your spare time?
– What are some ‘must haves’ that you want in your new home?
Remember, as a sales associate your primary role is to find out if what you are selling matches with what your prospects are looking for. Help Me Help You!

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