Video Mystery Shopping – A new year awaits YOU!

allenamento duroThis is typically the time of year that we all begin thinking about making New Year’s resolutions. The ‘usual suspects’ typically make the list. You know the ones: lose weight, start exercising, start eating healthier…blah blah blah. I have never been a big fan of making resolutions because it always seems that come mid-February, I have fallen off the wagon and reverted back to my normal habits!

Many years ago I decided that instead of making resolutions I would set goals for myself, both personal and professional. In addition to setting the goals I create ACTION PLANS to assist me in reaching my goals. In my opinion, this is the most critical step in the entire process! You see, a goal without a plan is merely a WISH!

So, what are YOUR goals for 2015? Do you want to increase your sales? How about perfecting your sales presentation? Perhaps you want to build your Realtor relations in order to attain more sales?  Maybe you want to commit to obtaining additional training or earning your IRM designation. Now is the time to start thinking, planning, and preparing for 2015!

As you think of the goals you want to achieve in 2015, I would suggest you incorporate these steps.

  1. Write down every goal you want to achieve on a piece of paper.
  2. Create an action plan to achieve your goal. I suggest the SMART Goal method ( Make sure that each goal is Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
  3. Set aside time to review your goals on a regular basis so you can monitor your progress. Perhaps it is every 2 weeks or every 30 days.
  4. Work with an Accountability Partner or Coach who will support you in your effort to achieve your goals. Set up weekly phone calls with this person to keep you on track.
  5. Create a vision board. This will allow you to visualize at what your world will look like once you achieve your goals!

Remember that old saying ‘people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan’? Well, when it comes to setting and achieving goals, 99.9% of those who don’t make their goals don’t have a plan in place. Use this month to plan for your success in 2015! Happy Holidays to you all!



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