Video Mystery Shopping Tip: Sharpen Your Saw! The importance of attending industry events

Next week is the 33rd Southeast Builders Conference in Orlando. There will be over 300 exhibits, 50 plus idea-rich educational programs, and a wealth of peer-to-peer networking opportunities. Are you planning to attend?

Many times I am told by new home sales managers and sales people that they would love to attend these types of industry events, but they don’t have the time, or the budget, to do so.  I say you can’t afford NOT to attend.

In Stephen Covey’s highly acclaimed book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, his seventh habit is: Sharpen the Saw. This means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have–you. I love his analogy of the saw. What happens if we don’t sharpen our saws? Well, probably the same thing that happens to the knives in my kitchen drawer when I don’t sharpen them! They get dull and can barely cut through a stick of butter!

Now, there are certainly many ways for you to ‘sharpen your saws’ in all areas of your life: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. But, one of the best ways to do so in your professional life is to get involved and attend events that support and enhance our industry!

By getting involved and attending these types of events you are able to grow and improve your greatest asset – YOU! Whether you have been in new homes sales for 20 years or 20 minutes, you will benefit by attending events, conferences, expos and other training programs specific to the new home building industry.

Three ways to ‘sharpen YOUR saw’ at industry events:

  1. Networking – Use these industry events as opportunities   to expand your sphere of influence. Connecting with others is probably the single most important reason for attending industry events of any kind.
  2. Training – Register to attend some of the educational classes being offered. Industry experts are being brought in to share their knowledge with YOU. Our industry has changed dramatically over the past five years. You have got to keep up with the latest and greatest techniques and practices that are available to you.
  3. Resources – Take the time to walk through the exhibit hall. I feel like a kid in a candy shop at industry trade shows. There are so many new gizmos and gadgets on the market for new home sales people!

So, where will YOU be next week? Will you be ‘sharpening’ your saw at the Southeast Builders Conference?  You just never know who you will run in to, what you will learn, and what an impact it can make on your career. Keep those saws sharp!

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