“Confessions of a Soccer Mom Mystery Shopper…(Part 2)”

 This was an interview with one of our mystery shoppers who have completed over 1,000 successful video shops……

6-How were the homes presented? Did you visualize yourself moving in?

Physical presentation of the homes is not as important as the Sales Representative and how they create your new world in this new home. The most effective Sales People have been the ones who have listened to my needs and matched the home to what I have stated.. I have been taken into homes under construction, with no drywall, and have had a wonderful world created through the adept skills of a sales professional. I have had the earnest desire to buy a home from a floor plan because of the effective descriptions and word pictures used by the Sales Representative in a “virtual tour.”

7-How was the community presented?

Driving into a community under construction can be a daunting experience.  A well developed entry to a new community is a welcome, but rare experience. I have seen everything from a trailer on a large undeveloped dirt lot, to a nearly closed out community with incredible amenities. In both situations, I have seen good and bad presentations. If there is only a dirt patch with no infrastructure or model, the Sales Representative must be prepared to get excited about the “vision” for the community. If the Sales Representative is fortunate enough to be selling in a community with amenities in place, use them and make sure to talk about them! I know these things sound obvious, but I have walked away from many shops wondering IF there were amenities, or WHAT the plans were for the community.

8-Were you asked to buy in a non-pushy way? Did the SR’s earn the right to close you?

I am rarely asked to buy any home I look at. When a Sales Representative takes the time to know my needs, build appropriate rapport and then shows an understanding about the big decision I need to make, I think they have earned the right to close me.

9-How has the follow up been?

The majority of follow up emails I receive are automatically generated emails that translate in my world as “spam.”  Occasionally I receive a personal note with a truly earnest thank you for the time I spent at the community. These personal notes are welcome, as are the VERY few phone calls I have received. Our world has become very impersonal, if you take the time to call me, I think you might really want my business. Attention and customer service goes very far in the impersonal world we live in!

10-Any other general comments?

Most Sales Representatives are delightful people. I find that many professionals, who have incredible potential, are just letting homes sell themselves. I know that with training and awareness, these same professionals can learn to use their strengths to sell more and become more prosperous for themselves as well as the builders.

“Ms. Teri Shopper” is a Video Mystery Shopper who holds a BA in International Business. She decided to leave her career in the training field to stay home and raise her children. When it was time to re-enter the work force, she chose to seek out alternative ways to utilize her skills, and has become a “Top” Shopper. Her main goal is to provide a real sales interaction in order to help Sales Professionals improve their skills and become more prosperous. She currently shops as well as helps other shoppers to become more natural so they can also provide a realistic sales encounter on video.

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