Join us at the International Builder’s Show-Super Sales Rally…”Walk this Way…Talk this Way”
Get ready to rock everyone as this year the International Builder Show in Las Vegas will be putting on a rock concert, formerly know as the “Super Sales Rally”.
The appropriate title for this event is , “Walk this Way, Talk this Way” and the focus will be on how the new sales superstar needs to harness the power of a rock star.
Inspired by rock legends like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Elvis, we will teach you how to maximize your success and staying power in new home sales. This high-energy presentation is packed with ideas to boost your sales NOW. By unleashing your inner ‘sales rock star’ we’ll help you ignite your personal selling power and blow past your goals. Don’t miss the marquee sales training event of the year. Get ready to rock your sales all year long!
Speakers: Meredith Oliver, Myers Barnes, Melinda Brody, John Palumbo, Jim Suth & Jeff Shore
Learning Outcomes:
>”Take the money and run” by tapping into proven strategies to close every sale
>Get “More than a feeling” by staying focused and motivated no matter what the market does
>Benefit by “Taking care of business” in the areas of prospecting, networking and follow-up to generate leads
>Have something to “Shout” about by following a sales process and polishing your presentation skills
>Put the fact that “You’ve Got a Friend” to work by using relationship selling to build brand loyalty
>Last but not least, “Don’t Stop Believin'” in the power of your USP!
Join us January 20th, 2010 in Las Vegas, baby!