Maximizing Your Seminar Investment

According to sales trainer Jeffrey Gitomer, the average salesperson spends about $800 each year on self-improvement including workshops, books, tapes, seminars, etc. to help them stay motivated and raise the bar for performing in the top ranks of their profession.

Here are some tips on how to maximize the seminar experience and increase your ROI (return on investment).

  1. Don’t sit with people you came with. When I speak to HBA’s, I notice all the companies sit together-realtors, builders, mortgage brokers, etc. A critical part of the seminar “ROI” is to network and meet others who you can help and they, in turn, can help you. Get out of your comfort zone and sit at a table where you don’t know anyone.
  2. Bring plenty of business cards. There is usually a drawing and you can network with others at the breaks and during meals.
  3. Come prepared. Look at the topic and prepare some questions that you would like addressed. This is YOUR chance to ask the expert.
  4. Participate! Ask questions; get involved. The seminar is only as good as what you put into it. The more involved, the more you walk away with gems that will help your business right away.
  5. Introduce yourself to the speaker and ask them your specific question if time allows. Just give the speaker time to get ready before the seminar and break time to unwind and rest their voice.
  6. Take notes and bring a pen. This sounds obvious but often, I see attendees walk into a seminar sans pen! As the speaker is presenting, keep a separate page for your “action” items so you can begin implementing after the program.
  7. Keep an open mind. Don’t have a “heard it all, seen it all” mentality. Ask yourself, “How good am I at______?”
  8. Take the information presented and say, “How will this apply to what I do?”
  9. At the end of the seminar, find three ideas you will apply and develop an action plan with how to execute and when.
  10. Share your “take-a-ways” with someone else that will be your “phone buddy” and hold you accountable.

Have a plan ready for the next seminar you attend and I guarantee you will be signing up for more in 2009!

Melinda Brody, MIRM has been inspiring and evaluating salespeople for almost two decades.  She offers sales seminars, keynotes and video mystery shopping services for builders across North America.

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