Entrepreneurial Marketing – Creating Endless Traffic

People always ask me, “Where do motivational speakers go to get motivated? Great question, huh?

I like going to the big Success Seminars that come through town every now and then. You know these events. They fill an arena of about 10,000 people and feature Tom Hopkins, Tony Robbins, Colin Powell and Zig Ziglar. Well, a few years ago, I went to the one here in Orlando at the Amway Arena and it was fantastic. A full day of the best sales, management, success and motivational speakers ever. When I arrived at my car, I noticed something on my windshield. It was a recruiting card from Nu Skin. Nu Skin is a Multi-level marketing company who is constantly looking to recruit salespeople to sell its products. What better way to recruit than put your message on the cars of the pro-active ones attending a Success Seminar?  This is a perfect example of target marketing.

Let’s first define an Entrepreneur. An Entrepreneur is a risk taker, willing to try new things, always hunting for business and welcomes failure. Marketing is simply all activities to get goods and services from your company into the hands of customers.

You need to start treating our communities as if we were the owner. You need to adapt the mindset of a small business owner who hustles to bring in customers. I know some of you are shaking your head and saying, “But Melinda, what does this have to do with me? We have a marketing department!” WE all need to take personal responsibility to drive traffic in these challenging times and make this our new game plan for the future.

It all starts with a simple question:


It follows up with the questions:


We first have to be very clear about whom we are going after so we know where to put our efforts. For example, if your target customer is “Active Adult”, where do they go to eat? Well, here in Florida, they go to the early bird specials (4:00-6:00PM) at traditional American style restaurants that are not trendy and offer good value for the dollar. What would the owner of such a restaurant want from you if you made a marketing call? Perhaps, more customers. This is the beginning of a networking relationship where both businesses could help each other co-promote since the target customer is the same.

A successful Marketing Plan consists of 4 parts:

  1. Marketing to Prospects (intense, creative, quirky follow up)
  2. Marketing to Homeowners (community events, referral requests)
  3. Marketing to Realtors (identifying the top 10, Stay Top of Mind)
  4. Marketing to the Community at large.

Let’s discuss one of these areas…marketing to the community at large. You need to be in the habit of talking up your community when you are out and about.

“Get me in the line at Costco and I can always turn a conversation into a productive real estate moment from the beginning. When I found myself in a video store in sweats without a business card, I have learned to always find a way to carry cards…”

Wendy Furth,

The places to network are limitless and a contact can be made ANYTIME. Some contacts include area employers, apartment communities, church, synagogue, PTA, your gym, your children’s activities. You need to adopt the “10 ft rule”. Everyone within 10 feet should know what you do for a living. You also need to develop a compelling elevator speech. This consists of your name, what you do, what you specialize in that sets you apart and how the two of you can network and align your businesses.

I recommend the 5-5-5-5 per week Plan. If you contact 5 prospects, 5 homeowners, 5 Realtors and 5 people in your surrounding community per week, you will have reached 1000 in one year (based on 50 weeks). This will definitely improve your traffic count and if you are good at target marketing, the traffic will be better qualified.

Develop a weekly Marketing Plan…………….ZERO DOLLARS

Get your head into the Marketing Game………ZERO DOLLARS

Helping someone own one of your brand new, gorgeous homes…PRICELESS!!!

Melinda Brody, MIRM has been inspiring and evaluating salespeople for almost two decades.  She offers sales seminars, keynotes and video mystery shopping services for builders across North America.

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